Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Maturing moments

Hello all,
I had a very nice experience today at a gas station; the cashier asked ME if I had put on gas! I'm 14!! Ahhhh, that hit the spot:)
Please share your maturing moments with me!

*Chuck Norris once ate an entire bottle of sleeping pills. They made him blink.*

1 comment:

  1. I'm a teenager.
    Our family raises Golden Retrievers
    (Anybody want one?)
    Twice, I've answered the phone to hear
    "Hello. I talked to your HUSBAND yesterday."
    "Uh, no. You didn't. He's my dad."

    Drives me crazy and makes me laugh!

    And also...

    Once I was babysitting three young children; my younger brother and sister were hanging out with me also. One of the little girls said to me, "Your daughter said..." "What? Who are you calling my daughter?" "That girl over there..." and points to my sister, only four years younger than me. Uh huh. I explained that I was waaaaaay to young to be married. The response, "Oh. Well, you son said..." "What?! Which son?" Again, she pointed to my sibling. "Not my son. My brother. Not married, for REAL!"

    Whew! And that was several years ago...
