Monday, August 30, 2010


Hey there,
Wow, I'm watching the rain coming down in sheets! I love the feel of going outside right after a rain and the fresh smell with the sound of rain drops splashing down from the trees. My dog Wally is very happy sleeping inside on the carpet out of the rain and wind.
I still haven't milked the cows because the rain is too heavy, but I better be getting out there:)

I also had another Tae Kwon Do test today and broke my board with a turning sidekick! It was a very nice test although in my dojang(place of practise) it was about 80 degrees:(

I am having a very nice time blogging and listening to skillet! I love Skillet! Good music :)
Well, everyone have a super day!
(that doesn't have such a big effect because I only have like 6 followers. Oh well, to the one person that reads this; Have a super day!!!)
*When Chuck Norris jumps in water, he does not get wet. The water gets Chuck Norris*

1 comment:

  1. I love the smell of rain too. And the vivid colors after a fresh washing.
